I finally realized that I can prep a whole bunch of chicken ahead of time to save me time with those recipes!
I prep mine in my crock pot!
I usually do:
4-6 chicken breasts (depending on how much I need for the week)
1/4 cup of chicken broth
Salt and pepper
Other seasonings (depending on what recipes I'll be making with the chicken
I cook it on high for 4 hours of low for 8. Sometimes I even start it right as I'm going to sleep! It's ready when I wake up and the house smells delicious!
Once it's done in the crock pot it is too easy to shred! Most times it just falls apart when I try to fish it out of the slow cooker and onto the cutting board!
A few of the recipes I use this chicken for are:
Chicken enchiladas
Chicken cordon bleu casserole
Chicken fried rice
Salad that I want with chicken
...and a couple others that I can't think of right now..
When I prep this chicken I do make sure that I plan meals that will use it all of it so it doesn't go to waste. If I don't have enough dinner ideas to use it all I just take it to work for lunch! I sometimes only get 5 minutes to eat lunch so its a super quick and easy thing to heat up. I just have to remember to bring sauce or something to put on it so it doesn't get too boring too quickly!
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